5 Reasons to Use Natural Skincare
What are you really putting on your skin? This is something we all need to think about. Many skincare products contain chemicals which can harm our health, our environment and animals, but not nearly enough of us read or understand the ingredients that go into the products we use.
This is why it’s time to find out how to purify your skincare routine and discover the benefits of natural skincare products.
What are toxin-free skincare products?
Natural skincare products are based on ingredients which grow or occur naturally in the environment. They don’t contain unnecessary man-made chemicals. In addition, they should be organic and ethical, which means they are produced using non-polluting methods which won’t harm the environment.
For a product to be truly natural, it should also come from a sustainable source so the planet’s resources aren’t being used up. The workers involved in the production at every stage should be treated well and respected, as should the communities where the production takes place.
Finally, products should not be tested on animals or contain any animal-derived ingredients, making them suitable for vegans.
At Edible Beauty Australia, we’re passionate about producing healthy, safe and luxurious beauty products which are good enough to eat!
Why use toxin-free skincare products?
In Australia, nearly all soaps and cosmetics, including skincare products, are classified as industrial chemicals for regulation purposes. Let’s think about that for a minute. The ingredients in the products you’re putting on your skin, and their production methods, could be so toxic that they fall under the same regulation as heavy-duty chemicals used in industry.
It’s time for the skincare industry to clean up its act. There are alternatives available. Before chemical ingredients were invented, people had been using natural products to take care of their skin for thousands of years. Now we’re coming full circle, with more and more people choosing to use only pure products on their skin.
Is natural skincare better?
We believe that natural skincare is better, for a variety of reasons. Here are just some of the benefits.
- Safe inside and out
The skin is designed to be a barrier which prevents toxins from entering our bodies. Most of the time it does its job extremely well. However, there are some chemicals which still manage to get through.
Applying chemical products directly to the skin obviously increases the risk of them finding their way into the bloodstream, from where they can penetrate our vital organs.
You wouldn’t eat something you knew contained harmful chemicals, so why would you take the risk of putting it on your skin? At Edible Beauty, we believe that if it isn’t safe enough for the inside, it isn’t safe enough for the outside, either. That’s why we only use completely natural ingredients in our skincare products.
- No toxic ingredients
Many of the ingredients commonly used in skincare products are man-made, and could potentially be harmful to our health, which is why we don’t believe we should risk using them.
Parabens are a particular concern. Parabens are artificial preservatives which are used to extend the shelf life of skincare products, cosmetics and shampoos. Research shows that parabens can mimic the hormone oestrogen in the body. Too much oestrogen can increase the risk of breast cancer and also affect reproductive functions.
While there are no proven links yet between parabens and health problems, it has been ascertained that parabens can penetrate the skin and find their way into breast tissue.
Pure skincare products contain no parabens, making them a less risky choice.
- Not harmful to the environment
Many body washes, shampoos and other beauty products contain sulfates, which are cleansing and foaming agents. Sulfates are manufactured from petroleum. This is a leading producer of greenhouse gases, which are the main cause of climate change. It is also a pollutant which affects the air we breathe and the natural environment.
Sulfates have toxic effects on marine life, but they’re finding their way into our rivers due to being washed down our drains in the products we use.
This is why switching to toxin-free products can make a huge difference to the environment. All Edible Beauty products are sulfate-free. This is an important step to preserve the planet and its wildlife for future generations.
- Cruelty-free
Skincare products are often tested on animals, causing unnecessary suffering to innocent creatures. Even if the overall products themselves aren’t tested on animals, some of the ingredients they contain might have been.
The Australian government is banning animal testing for cosmetic products, starting in 2019. However, the ban will only apply to new products, not those which are already available on the market.
In addition, if any of the ingredients are used for other purposes as well as cosmetic products, these ingredients will still be allowed to be tested on animals.
This means some of the ingredients in chemical-based skincare products could still be tested on animals. The only way to know you’re using ethical, cruelty-free products is to choose pure skincare products.
- Kinder to your skin
Chemical-based skincare products are often harsh on the skin. This means they can increase sensitivity, causing redness and soreness, and even skin conditions like eczema.
In contrast, natural products are gentle and kind to the skin, as they contain no harsh, astringent ingredients. They improve the appearance of the complexion, and feel more luxurious when applied. They also smell delicious, thanks to the natural plants and flowers they contain! It’s time to make the switch and pamper yourself!
Find out more about how natural skincare works...
At Edible Beauty, we’re passionate about helping people to discover the benefits of pure skincare, and switch to ethical, organic products. If you’d like to find out more, please contact our team, or download our informative ebook, The Ultimate Guide to Toxin-Free Beauty.